हिन्दी English

It is a payment service empowering a bank customer to use Aadhaar as his/her identity to access his/ her respective Aadhaar enabled bank account and perform basic banking transactions like balance enquiry, cash deposit, cash withdrawal, remittances through a Business Correspondent. Under Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) currently following services are present:

  • Balance Enquiry
  • Aadhaar to Aadhaar Fund Transfer
  • Cash Withdrawal
  • Cash Deposit
  • BFD

The  above  services  are  available  in  both  inter-bank  and  intra-bank modes.

What is BFD?
BFD is Best finger detection. The best finger of a resident is the one that has the highest  probability  of matching.  A  resident  can  possess  one  or  more best fingers, which  can  be  detected  during  the  Best  Finger  Detection  (BFD)  process.  Operator checks the resident’s fingers and captures all fingers from both hands (generally ten)  to  determine  the  best  fingers.  Once  the  best  attempt  is  captured  for  all fingers, It is then compared with the biometric data stored with UIDAI CIDR. Based on  the  response,  results  are  communicated  indicating  the  best  fingers  of  the resident with the rankings in decreasing order.

What is Demographic authentication?
Demographic  Authentication  is  a  process  wherein  the  resident’s Aadhaar number  and  demog raphic  inputs  are  matched  against  the data   stored   in   UIDAI CIDR   provided   by   the   resident   during enrolment/update process.

What is e KYC Service?
eKYC  is  Electronic  Know  Your  Customer. It  is  an  electronic  way  of doing real time KYC of a customer using Aadhaar authentication. The Customer     has     to  provide his/her Aadhaar number and biometrics/OTP. eKYC enables an organization to get electronic copy of   customer   identity   and   address   details, as  present  in   UIDAI database, with customer consent.

What are the benefits of AEPS?
Benefits of AEPS are as follow:

  • Aadhaar  enabled  Payment  system  is  easy  to  use,  safe  and  secure  payment platform to avail benefits by using Aadhaar number & finger prints.
  • Aadhaar   enabled   Payment   system   is   based   on   the   demographic   and biometric/iris  information  of  an  individual,  it  eliminates  the  threat  of  any fraud and non-genuine activity.
  • Aadhaar  enabled  Payment  System  facilitate  disbursements  of  Government entitl ements  like  NREGA,  Social  Security  pension,  Handicapped  Old  Age Pension  etc.  of  any  Central  or  State  Government  bodies,  using  Aadhaar authentication.
  • Aadhaar  enabled  Payment  System  facilitates inter-operability across banks in a safe and secured manner.
  • Re aching  the  unreached - The  model  enable  banks  to  extend financial services to the unreached clients beyond their branch network  as  beneficiaries  of  the  BCs  are  mostly  located  at unbanked and underbanked areas.

What are the benefits of BFD?
The following are the benefits BFD:

  • Indicate all good fingers apart from best fingers
  • Provide consistently higher authentication accuracy
  • Improve reliability of authentication
  • Indicate suggested actions in case no good fingers are found
  • Identify residents who may need to update their biometrics
  • Identify residents who may need to use alternate authentication mechanisms due to inherent poor fingerprint quality

What are the benefits of EKYC?
EKYC as a product has following benefits:

  • Paperless.
  • Cost effective
  • Prevent Identity hacking and forged documents
  • Safe & Secure
  • Instantaneous

What is ON-US transaction?
An   intra-bank   (ON-US)   transaction   where   an   Aadhaar   initiated transaction  has  effects  only  in  accounts  within  one  and  same  bank and  does  not  necessitate  an  interbank settlement.  A  Customer  can use Account holding bank terminal deployed on the field for availing AEPS Service.

What is OFF-US transaction?
An  inter-bank  (OFF-US)  transaction  is  one  where  there  is  movement of  funds  from  one  bank  to  another  necessitating  an interbank settlement. Customer can approach other Bank terminals for availing AEPS Service.

Who is acquirer Bank?
The  bank  which  has  acquired  the  transaction  or  the  bank  whose device has been used is acquirer bank.

Who is issuer Bank?
Issuer is the bank in which the user hold his/her account and Aadhaar is mapped for doing AEPS Transactions.

What is RRN No.?
RRN  number  is  a  12  digit  number  generated  to  record  the  transaction  a nd  to  identify a transaction uniquely.

What  I  can  do  when  transactions  declined  at  BC  location  and account get debited/credited incorrectly by acquirer/issuer Bank?
In  such  situation  one  should  visit  the  bank  where  his/her  account  is located i.e. the nearest branch of issuer bank.

What is Aadhaar number?
It is a 12 digit unique i dentification number that stores demographic and biometric information of the resident with photograph issued by Unique   Identification   Authority   of   India   (UIDAI)   on   behalf   of Government  of  India.  Aadhaar  serves  as  a  proof  of  identity  and address, anywhere in India. Aadhaar  number  is  a  12  digit  unique  identification  number  which never starts with “0” and “1”. The last digit of the Aadhaar number is a check sum digit.

How to become an AUA/KUA?
To become an AUA/KUA, An organization has to adhere guidelines of UIDAI available in below mentioned link:-https://authportal.uidai.gov.in/static/Eligibility_Criteria_for_AUA%20_KUA.pdf

What is AUA/KUA?
AUA  is  an  Authentication  User  Agency.  Any organization  or an  entity using Aadhaar number  authentication  as  part  of  its  applications  to provide services to residents. KUA is a KYC User Agency. Any organization or entity who is already an AUA and has signed the agreement to access KYC API.

What is ASA/KSA?
ASA is an Authentication Service Agency. An organization or an entity providing secure leased line connectivity to UIDAI’s data-centre for routing authentication requests from various AUAs KSA is a KYC Se rvice Agency. An entity or organization who is already an ASA and has signed the agreement to access KYC API through their

What is BC?
Business  Correspondent  (BC)  is  an  approved  Bank  Agent  providing basic  banking  service  using  a  MicroATM  (terminal)  to  any  bank customer wishing to avail their bank BC service.


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